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How to Improve Your Pickleball Serve: Tips and Tricks for a Stronger Serve

The pickleball serve is one of the most important shots in pickleball, so it’s important to know how to improve it.

A strong serve can help you win games and get more points on your side of the court.
The goal of this article is to provide tips and tricks for improving your pickleball serves, including:

  • How to grip your paddle correctly when serving
  • The best way to hold your racket during a serve (and why)

The Basics of the Serve

The serve is one of the most important shots in pickleball. It’s also one of the hardest to master, so it’s important to start with a strong foundation and build from there.

  • Grip: The first thing you’ll want to do when serving is grip your paddle correctly. A good grip will help you control where your ball goes, so make sure that both hands are gripping firmly around their respective sides of the handle–not too tight but not too loose either! You should be able to feel comfortable with this position before moving on further into your stance or positioning.
  • Stance: Next comes stance; this refers specifically how far apart from each other both feet should be placed when preparing for service delivery (i’ll explain more about this later). If done correctly, this will allow players greater balance while remaining stable during play time which means less mistakes made during play time which leads us back around again…

Tips for Improving Your Serve

  • Practice [makes perfect]
    • The best way to improve your serve is by practicing. The more you play, the better you will become at it!
  • Warm-up
    • It’s important to warm up before playing pickleball so that your body is ready for action and doesn’t get injured during the game. A good warm-up routine includes stretching, jumping jacks and running in place for about 10 minutes.
  • Focus on Technique
    • You should focus on improving your technique so that when it comes time for actual gameplay, everything flows smoothly without any unnecessary movement or effort wasted on unnecessary movements like reaching overhand or bending down too far forward which could lead into injury if done incorrectly

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not reaching the service line.
  • Not using a continental grip.
  • Not having proper footwork.

Advanced Serve Techniques

Pickleball Spin Serve

Update: they made the spin serve illegal in 2023.

Spin is the most common way to make your serve more effective. It can be used as a strategy to keep your opponent guessing or as a way to disguise where you’re going to hit next.

If your opponent is expecting an underspin, try hitting an overspin instead–it will throw them off their game!

Pickleball Placement Serve

Another way to increase effectiveness is by placing the ball in areas where it’s difficult for your opponent to reach and return effectively (for example: down near their feet). You could also try aiming at different targets on the court, such as low and high corners or even just behind them if they are standing close enough that this would be possible without hitting them first (which would result in an automatic fault).

Serving Drills for Improvement

Serve and Volley Pickleball Drills

The first drill is the simplest, but it’s also the most important. You can do this with a partner or by yourself.

Simply serve to your opponent and then volley their return, over and over again until you are comfortable with returning their serves.

This will help you get used to how the ball comes off of your paddle when serving, which will make all other drills easier later on.

Power Serve:

This drill helps you get used to hitting harder shots and gives you more control over where they go as well because they have more power behind them than normal serves do.

Shadow Serve:

This is another great way for beginners who aren’t quite ready yet for real games against others yet; just imagine yourself being able to hit any kind of shot in any direction!

Serving Strategies for Doubles

Serving strategies for doubles are a bit different than singles.

In fact, there are some strategies that you can use to help your partner out on the court.

Communication is key in doubles.

You need to be able to communicate with your partner so they know what type of serve you’re going to hit and where they should position themselves on the court.

Court positioning

In doubles, it’s imperative to know where to be in all scenarios. Positioning is also important because it will help both players get into position faster after each point has been scored or missed by their opponent(s).


This is one of the most common serving strategies used in pickleball doubles play because it allows both players on a team equal opportunities at winning points during rallies without having any advantage over their opponents

Extra Resources

Here are some resources to get you started:

Our Ultimate Guide to Pickleball by PickleballNoob
7 Pro Tips to Improve Your Pickleball Serve by The Pickler
The Ultimate Guide to the Serve in Pickleball by Pickleball Guide


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